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Prof. Dr. Miriam Edlich-Muth: Curriculum Vitae



2007- 2012

PhD, University of Cambridge,

Thesis: ‘Malory and His European Contemporaries: Adapting Late Medieval Arthurian Collections’; Supervisor: Prof. Helen Cooper


MPhil, Medieval Literature, University of Cambridge


BA (Hons), English Language and Literature, University of Oxford



Since 2021 W3 Professor of Old and Middle English Language and Literature

Since 2017

W-1 Chair in Medieval English, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf


Hera Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Old and Middle English Literature,  Free University Berlin, (PI) Prof. Dr. Andrew James Johnston



Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Old and Middle English Literature, Free University Berlin


Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Excellenzinitiative, University of Bremen



  • Intersectional Identities in Old Yiddish Romance: Bovo d'Antona and Pariz un Vyene, DFG-funded project, Jan. 2021 – Jan. 2024, Co-Principal Investigator with Prof. Marion Aptroot
  • From Insular to European Romance: The Medieval Bevis-Tradition in Multi-Text Manuscript Contexts, DFG-Funded Project, July 2020 – July 2023, Principal Investigator, detailed page
  • ERC-Consolidator Project Post-REALM: Post-National Reconceptions of European Literary History: A Mixed Method Approach, 2023-2028, Principal Investigator



  • Translating Feeling and Identity in Partonopeus de Blois
  • SNF-Funded Project, April 2020 – September 2021, Host to Postdoc Dr. Lucie Kaempfer (PI), detailed page



Monograph and Editions

Malory and His European Contemporaries: Adapting Late Arthurian Collections (Arthurian Studies 81).  Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2014.

(2018a) (ed.). Mobile Continuities: Pan-European Romances in Medieval Compilation Manuscripts/ Der Kurzroman in den spätmittelalterlichen Sammelhandschriften Europas (Imagines Medii Aevi 40). Wiesbaden: Reichert.

(2018b) (ed.). Medieval Romances Across European Borders (Medieval Narratives in Transmission 1). Turnhout: Brepols.

Coldham-Fussel, Victoria, Edlich-Muth, Miriam, and Renée Ward (eds.). The Arthurian World. Routledge: London and New York, 2022. [Handbook with 34 chapters]


Essays and Articles

Edlich-Muth, Christian, and Miriam Edlich-Muth. "Unravelling Plot: A Mixed-Method Workflow for the Comparative Plot Feature Analysis of Multilingual Text Collection." Zeitschrift für Digitale Geisteswissenschaften, forthcoming.

Edlich-Muth, Miriam, Tether, Leah, Alamichel, Marie-Françoise, and Fanny Moghadassi. "Anglais: Floris and Blancheflour: milieu de XIIIe siècle: Notice et traduction." In Floire et Blanchefleu en Europe: anthologie, ed. by Sofia Lodén and Vanessa Obry (Le Moyen Age européen), Grenoble: Presses de l'Université de Grenoble-Alpes, 2022: 183-207.

"Adapting for Genre in the Middle English Chevalere Assigne", Studies in Philology 119 (2022): 46-63.

Edlich-Muth, Miriam, and Mary Bateman. "Disrupted Plans: Negotiating Bevis of Hampton in the Shifting Framework of BL MS Egerton 2862." Philological Quarterly 101.3 (2022): 163-188.

Edlich-Muth, Miriam and Christian Edlich-Muth. “The Reader at Large: Computational Approaches to the Fifteenth-Century Compilation Manuscript BL Cotton Caligula A.ii (Part One)”, Anglia 139.1 (2021): 154-180.

“The Artifice of Being a Medieval Knight in Elye Bokher’s Bovo d’Antona”, in Yiddish Knights, ed. by Marion Aptroot, Amsterdam Yiddish Symposium 13, 2020.

“Dissolving Subjects in Medieval Reliquaries and Twentieth-Century Mass Graves”.  Interdisciplinary Explorations of Postmortem Agency:  The Uses of Dead Bodies, Funerary Objects, and Burial Spaces through Time, ed. by Estelle Weiss-Krejci, Sebastian Becker and Philip Schwyzer. Springer, 2022.

Edlich-Muth, Miriam and Christian Edlich-Muth. “A Computational Approach to Source Adaptation in Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur”. The Digital Medievalist 12:1 (2019).

“A Saint’s Romance - Rosa, Rosana and the Hispano-Norwegian Links Shaping ‘Florez ok Blankiflur”. Medieval Romances Across European Borders, ed. by Miriam Edlich-Muth, (Medieval Narratives in Transmission 1). Turnhout: Brepols, 2018: 57-75.

“Contextualising Continuation: An Approach to Medieval Romance Collections”.  Mobile Continuities: Pan-European Romances in Medieval Compilation Manuscripts/ Der Kurzroman in den spätmittelalterlichen Sammelhandschriften Europas, ed. by Miriam Edlich-Muth (Imagines Medii Aevi 40). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2018: 103–27.

“From Magic to Miracle: Reframing Chevalere Assigne”. Romance Rewritten: The Evolution of Middle English Romance, ed. by Archibald, Elizabeth, Megan Leitch and Corinne Saunders (Studies in Medieval Romance 22). Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2018: 173-88.

“Prosopopoeia: Sharpening the Anglo-Saxon Toolkit”. English Studies 95: 2 (2014): 95-108.

“Delete as Appropriate: Writing Between the Lines of the Old English Wife’s Lament. Women and Language: Essays on Gendered Communication Across Media, ed. by Burcon, S. and M. Ames. Jefferson: NC: McFarland Press, 2011: 61-74.